Another year completed and a big thank you to all who participated and attended.
Next year's festival is 5 - 8 June 2025 so put the dates in your diaries.

6 - 9 June 2024
+ other festival events
I am absolutely delighted to welcome you to the 2024 Southend-on-Sea Film Festival!
This year is a rather poignant one. Our Opening Gala is a sparkling new comedy, The Broken Arrow, and we are looking forward to welcoming members of the cast and crew to this prestigious black tie, red carpet screening. But our Closing Gala will take on a rather different tone as we present a tribute to a much loved actor, director and producer. Local lad Darren Kent, a great friend of the festival, sadly passed away last year. We hope this tribute, devised by his good friend, and fellow filmmaker, Jane Gull, will be a fitting memorial for a wonderful person.
In between these Gala evenings we will be presenting our usual mix of documentaries, World Cinema, new features and classic films.
Our heritage presentations are always very popular, and this year Southend's theatres and our world-famous pier are being celebrated.
Following on from their huge success at last year's festival, we will be presenting two more Mostly Made in Southend short film programmes. These demonstrate what wonderful filmmaking talent we have, here in our city.
Of course, it's not just me, and I would like to thank the Festival Team for all their hard work in helping me put this wonderful festival together.
But none of us could have done this without our sponsors, to whom I say a hearty, and heartfelt, "thank you".
So do come along, and settle down for the pleasures we have in store. I look forward to seeing you.
Paul Cotgrove : Festival Director

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